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( lanbideari)

  • 1 ekin

    1. ( esfortzua) effort, determination, steadfastness; ekinaren \ekinaz by keeping at it
    2. ( jarduna) activity, exertion, enterprise; bere \ekinaz through {his || her} efforts; haren arreta! haren \ekina! what concentration! what action!
    3. ( iraupena) persistence, insistence
    a. task, job
    b. ( egin) work; hitzak ugari, \ekinak urri action speaks louder than words io.
    1. ( langilea) diligent, hard-working; lanari \ekina i. hard working ii. dedicated to wor; lanean oso \ekina da she's a very hard worker
    2. tenacious, dogged, determined, persevering; ondo \ekina zagoz zeu you're really tenacious now
    3. ( setatia) obstinate, stubborn, obdurate du/ad.
    1. to be busy, be occupied in; lanari \ekin to get down to work; \ekin eta \ekin eta egin (atsot.) have at it and have it (atsot.) ; hementxe naukazu "zeri nakio?" here you've got me wondering, "what am I going to do?"
    2. ( lanbideari) to take to, be busy doing; maisutzari \ekin to be teaching; lumari \ekin to take up the pen | take to writing
    3. ( hasi) to take to; bideari \ekin to hit the road; ihesari \ekin to take to one's heels; lasterrari \ekin to start running ; negarrari \ekin to break down in tears; \ekin lanari! get to work!
    a. to insist ; gizonak \ekin, Jainkoak egin (atsot.) man proposes, God disposes (atsot.)
    b. \ekin eta \ekin! come on!
    5. ( eraso) to charge, attack, assault; etsaiari \ekin to charge the enemy | to go at the enemy; zakurrak arrotzei ekiten die the dog takes after strangers; oilar bik elkarri \ekin zioten gogor the two cocks went at each other with ferocity

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ekin

  • 2 eragin

    1. ( astinketa) shaking, jolt
    a. influence, sway; Jean Etxapareren \eragina euskal literaturan the influence of Jean Etxapare in Basque literature; \eragin handiko gizona an influential man; euskarak jasaten duen erdarearen \eragina the influence of {Spanish || French} that Basque {suffers || labours} under; \eraginpeko eremu (Pol.) area of influence; medikuek aspalditik jakin izan dute gure barruko jarrerak eta ongizateak \eragin handia dutela gure gorputzaren osasunean doctors have long known that our mental outlook and well-being affect our physical health
    b. ( efektua, emaitza) effect, outcome
    a. impulse ; bihotzaren \eraginez spurred by the heart ; \eraginik gabe eginik ez nothing gets done if no one gets it done; euskaltzaleen \eraginez sortu ziren lehengo ikastolak the setting up of the first Basque-medium schools was spurred on by people who loved Basque
    b. ( espirituarena) prompting
    4. (G) ( itxura) bearing
    5. ( sendagaiari d.) effect, effectiveness; sendagai baten \eragin the effectiveness of a medicine io.
    a. ( haurra) active; \eragin izan to be a livewire
    b. ( heldua) antsy, uneasy; neska \eragin naughty girl
    2. diligent
    a. ( azkar) prompt, quick
    b. ( zalu, bizkor) agile, nimble
    4. ( behartu) forced, coerced
    5. ( ospetsua) distinguished, celebrated du/ad.
    a. ( eginarazi) to make (sb) do, {have || get} sth done; egizu eta \eragin do it and make sure it's done; arropa berria \eragin nion jostunari I had the tailor make new clothes; amak {arrotzari || zurginari} sehaska \eragin zion mother had the carpenter {make || build} the cradle; traineru berria \eragin dute they've had a new boat built
    b. ( sorrarazi) to cause; tabakoak \eragindako gaixotasuna a disease caused by to bacco
    c. ( aditz elkartuekin) Zurineri barre \\ nigar \eragin zion he made Zurine laugh \\ cry
    2. ( ibilarazi, erabili)
    a. to move, drive; haurrari \eragin zion sehaskan she rocked the baby in the cradle
    b. Tek. to drive, propel; motoreak \eragindako ponpa motor-driven pump; hankei \eragin i. to move one's legs ii. ( pixka bat) to wiggle one's legs
    c. arraunari \eragin to row, move the oar ; zigorrari \eragin to snap a whip
    d. ( gorputzatalari d.) besoei \eragin to wave one's arms ; buruari \eragin zion i. ( ezetz esateko) he shook his head ii. ( baietz esateko) he nodded his head ; eskuari \eragin to wave one's hand ; hankei \eragin i. to move one's legs ii. ( pixkat) to wiggle one's legs; buztanari \eragin to wag one's tail
    a. to spur, drive; gorrotoak \eraginda, haiek guztiak hil zituzten driven by hatred, they killed them all; zerk \eragin zizun hori esatea? what made you say that?; goseak \eraginik, herritik irten ziren driven by hunger, they left their village
    b. ( inork idi, ardi, e.a.) to drive, herd; artzainak artaldeari larrera \eragin zion the shepherd drove the flock to pasture
    4. ( abiarazi) to activate; alarmari \eragin zion he activated the alarm
    5. to affect, influence; sukarrak ez zion \eragin the fever didn't affect him; Afrikako beroak ikaragarri \eragin zion the African heat affected him terribly; alkoholak izugarri eragiten dio alcohol affects him terribly
    a. ( zukua, zopa) to stir
    b. ( jiratu) to turn, turn over; eragiok, mutil, aurreko danbolin horri turn over that chestnut roaster in front of you, my boy
    c. (irud.) esan eta esan, \eragin\\\eragin eta erabili, azkenean aspertu ziren in talking and taking about it, dwelling on it to no end, they finally grew tired of it
    7. ( -(r)i abantaila ukan) i-i \eragin to have it over sb | to be ahead of ; askoz eragiten dio he's well ahead of him ; gaitz horrek gaitz guztiei eragiten die that evil goes beyond all evils
    8. ( e-r egiteko agindu) to commission, order ; soineko berria \eragin du datozen jaietarako she ordered a dress for the upcoming festival
    9. ( bihurtu) Lit. to turn; zure buruaz ere ez duzu zin eginen, zeren ez baitzara ile bakar baten xuri edo beltx eragiteko you are not to swear by your own head because you cannot turn one hair of it white or black
    10. ( ekin) to practice; lanbideari \eragin to practise a profession da/ad.
    1. ( erotu, zoratu) to go mad \eragin jatzu (B) you've gone mad
    2. ( hezur, e.a.) to dislocate eskua \eragin zaio his hand become dislocated

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > eragin

  • 3 fin

    a. ( mehea, xehea) slender; aurpegi \fina slender face
    b. ( zatia) thin
    2. ( mehetasunari, leuntasunari d.) fine, smooth; gazte larru \fina a youth with smooth skin; gorputz ederra eta aurpegi \fina zuen she had a beautiful body and an exquisite face
    3. ( p.)
    a. ( jokabideari d.) fine
    b. ( lanbideari d.) fine, hard-working
    c. ( dotorea) refined, fine, debonair
    d. ( zintzoa) fine, upright, honest; gizon ona eta \fina a fine and upright gentleman; kristau gazte \fin bat a fine young Christian; zerbitzari \fina eta leiala a fine and loyal servant
    4. ( zolia, zorrotza)
    a. ( umorea) subtle, dry
    b. ( adimena) shrewd, acute, keen
    c. ( zentzu) keen, sharp, fine, excellent
    a. ( oro.) excellent, exquisite, superb
    b. ( ardoa, fruitua) choice, quality
    c. ( tabakoa) select
    d. ( artilea) high-grade
    e. ( urrea) fine, pure
    6. ( ardura handiz landutakoa) exquisite, fine, delicate; haren pipa beltz \fina his exquisite black pipe adb.
    1. urbanely, in a refined manner
    2. beti \fin jokatzen duen gizona a man who always plays fair
    1. Lit. end
    2. azken \finean in the final analysis | in the end

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > fin

  • 4 karrera

    1. ( lanbideari d.) career; \karrerako funtzioarioa da (s)he is a career civil servant
    2. (Uni.) major; kimika \karrera ikasten ari da (s)he's doing a degree in chemistry; \karrera bukatzean, Amerikertara joango when she's done with her studies, she is going to America
    3. porch
    4. Arkit. eaves

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > karrera

  • 5 lanbide

    1. ( ogibidea, bizibidea)
    a. occupation, profession; \lanbidez irakaslea da he's a teacher by profession
    b. [ izenen aurrean ] \lanbide eskola vocational school
    a. employment; \lanbidea hartu to take up employment; \lanbideean jardun | \lanbideari {ekin || eragin} to be employed | be in active employment
    b. ( zeregina, egitekoa) job, work
    3. ( nekabidea, atsekabea) \lanbideak [ izenen aurrean ] tribulations

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > lanbide

  • 6 mordoilo

    1. entanglement, muddle
    2. ( hizkerari d., z. tx. b. b.)
    a. ( lanbideari d.) jargon, jibberish
    b. pidgin. macaronic garble; euskara \mordoiloa macaronic Basque | Basque infested with {Spanish || French} terms adb. garbled up, in a garbled manner; \mordoilo idazten du he writes in a garbled manner

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > mordoilo

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